In our stock-based portfolios, the most concentrated Personal Portfolio will typically hold 15-25 stocks while a fully diversified Personal Portfolio is likely to hold 80 or more individual positions.
In our index-based portfolios, your Personal Portfolio will usually hold 7-9 ETF’s.
The number of positions your account will hold is highly dependent on the recommended investment plan. That's because each of our Personal Portfolio strategies is designed and run as an individual "sleeve" of a portfolio. As a result, each strategy (e.g., Dividend, Small/Mid-Cap, Fixed Income, etc.) is managed as its own unique component.
Our portfolio managers aim to diversify the holdings in each separate strategy as completely as their investment approach will allow. When one or more of these sleeves are combined in a diversified Personal Portfolio, the number of overall holdings will, of necessity, increase to allow more complete global market exposure.
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