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    Retirement58 Articles

    A person places rocks in a tall pile in front of a lake

    Tue, Jul 23, 2024

    The Importance of Planning and Investing in Your 60s

    Life expectancy is higher than ever. Will your retirement savings last 30+ years? Use these 9 tips in your 60s to prepare for the future.

    Estate paperwork with a yellow Sign Here tab

    Tue, Jul 16, 2024

    Is a Will the Only Estate Planning Document You Need? (The Answer Might Surprise You!)

    These 6 important documents (including your will) should be a part of your estate plan – no matter your age.

    A mature couple stretches on matching yoga mats under the trees

    Wed, Jul 10, 2024

    Dynamic Spending in Retirement

    A “best practice” is only the best until something better comes along. Instead of applying the 4% rule to every retiree in every situation, we think these unique options could help you identify what works for YOU.

    Professionals at the starting line of a race

    Tue, Jul 2, 2024

    What Is a Phased Retirement?

    The shift from working to retiring isn’t as rigid as it used to be. Today, there are options for those who find the idea of a “cold turkey” retirement unappealing. Discover what a phased retirement can do to ease the transition.

    Sticky notes hang from their points with R M D written on them

    Tue, Jun 11, 2024

    How are RMDs Calculated and Taxed?

    While required minimum distributions aren’t optional, there can be some ways to reduce or defer them. Read on to discover how RMDs fit into your retirement plan.

    Stepping stones cross a shallow creek

    Tue, Jun 4, 2024

    How to Reduce Sequence of Returns Risk

    Learn how to protect your savings in case the market falls right before you retire. Discover 7 tips to minimize sequence of returns risk.

    6 Sources of Retirement Income

    Special Report

    6 Sources of Retirement Income

    Many retirement planning guides focus on finances, but we believe a satisfying retirement goes beyond how much money you have saved. It’s also about how you intend to use your savings.