
Guidance for your pursuit of financial freedom

    Retirement (7)85 Articles

    A line of people with their arms outstretched and their eyes closed

    Tue, Jan 9, 2024

    Could Your Health Savings Account Boost Your Retirement Readiness?

    Most people who have a health savings account, or HSA, use it to save money for medical care. The power of an HSA surprisingly goes way beyond taking care of your physical health – it could be the one of the strongest moves for your financial health, too.

    A man folds his arm on the table while he holds a book open under a lamp

    Tue, Dec 19, 2023

    9 Smart Money Habits Multi-Millionaires Do Differently

    Contrary to popular belief, most wealthy people don’t become rich from one brilliant money move. Instead, most multi-millionaires build wealth over time through healthy money habits. Affluent Americans often share these 9 habits – and the good news is that people of almost any income level can apply them to their own financial lives.

    a Black family sits and looks at a paper together

    Tue, Oct 31, 2023

    5 Strategies for Inherited IRAs

    RMDs, tax strategies, timing withdrawals, and more nuts-and-bolts IRA owners and designated beneficiaries should know.

    Two women smile while looking at a computer. The mature woman on the left has her hand clenched in celebration.

    Wed, Oct 25, 2023

    Are You In The Top 3% of Retirees?

    The average American has less than $260,000 for retirement. But this number might not tell the story you think it does.

    Wed, Oct 4, 2023

    Should You Make Catch-Up Contributions?

    Catch-up contributions can be excellent financial tools for investors who need to, well, catch-up. However, they can also be a useful financial tool, even if you already are on track to have a financially comfortable retirement.

    Wed, Sep 13, 2023

    Planning to Do a Backdoor Roth IRA? Here's How to Get Your Tax Reporting Right

    Don’t let your backdoor Roth IRA backfire on you! Make sure you have the correct documents and process in place when it comes time to report your backdoor Roth IRA to the IRS—here’s what you’ll need, and how to do it.

    6 Sources of Retirement Income

    Special Report

    6 Sources of Retirement Income

    Many retirement planning guides focus on finances, but we believe a satisfying retirement goes beyond how much money you have saved. It’s also about how you intend to use your savings.