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Markets & Economy (4)32 Articles

Wed, Jan 25, 2023
Are We in a Recession?
“We fear what we don’t understand” is a phrase you’ve probably heard before. When it comes to a recession, we think it’s especially relevant. Here, we unpack what the term “recession” really means and how it applies to today’s markets.

Wed, Nov 2, 2022
Wondering When You May Recover Your Market Losses?
2022 has been a strange year so far. At the beginning of the year, investors experienced peak returns following the remarkable recovery from the initial pandemic lockdowns. But lethargy rapidly kicked in with the economy and stock market's steady decline. Now investors are wondering when the market will turn again so they can recover their losses.

Fri, Oct 7, 2022
Do Elections Matter to Your Portfolio? 3 Reasons We Don't Think You Should Worry
Are you worried about how the upcoming midterm election will impact your investment portfolio? Here’s why we’re not concerned.

Wed, Sep 28, 2022
How Do Geopolitical Risks Impact Your Investments?
It should go without saying that investing involves risk. And when investing in U.S. multinational or non-U.S. companies, there’s the added element of geopolitical risk. So how can investors determine if the benefits outweigh the risks?

Fri, Aug 12, 2022
What to Make of a Strong Dollar?
The U.S. dollar has been flexing its muscles over the last couple of years. So is a strengthening dollar a good thing for your wealth?

Wed, Aug 3, 2022
How Does the Unionization Trend Impact Your Investments?
Apple. Trader Joes. Starbucks. Amazon. BuzzFeed. The Democratic National Committee. What do these organizations have in common? Some of their workers recently voted to unionize. As this may be a reversal of a trend, investors want to know: How do unions affect profitability and stock returns?

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6 Sources of Retirement Income
Many retirement planning guides focus on finances, but we believe a satisfying retirement goes beyond how much money you have saved. It’s also about how you intend to use your savings.
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